Fairplay Saloon

Fairplay Saloon

2017, drypoint on Tetrapak, series of 53 prints, each ca. 11 x 19 cm

Blind drawings of situations remembered, told, read, dreamt or otherwise imagined.

[1] [Takes longer] [2] [Bragger with socks] [3] [Theresa is allowed into the hospital] [4] [Thelma is starting her short career as an outlaw] [5] [He’s not ready yet] [6] [Karl Ove Knausgård has great confidence in patriarchy] [7] [Reverend Hackl explaining tears to the third grade] [8] [Birthday] [9] [23 v. 14 cherries] [10] [Ad Reinhardt is in a rather bad mood] [11] Installation view, Wasserschloss Taufkirchen, 2017